EVENT INFORMATION << Return To Previous Page

Crocus Obedience & Kennel Club
February 15, 2025 - February 17, 2025
Brandon, Manitoba (Indoors)

Website: http://www.crocusdogs.com
Description: 6 All Breed Shows / 2 Obedience Trials / 4 Rally Obedience Trials
Address: Canada Room, Keystone Centre, 1175 18th St, Brandon, Manitoba R7A 7C5

Closing Date: Wednesday, January 29, 2025  @ 9:00 p.m. (Central)

Related Results

Saturday, February 15 (Show-1)
Saturday, February 15 (Show-2)
Sunday, February 16 (Show-3)
Sunday, February 16 (Show-4)
Monday, February 17 (Show-5)
Monday, February 17 (Show-6)

Sunday, February 16 (Obedience Trial-1)
Monday, February 17 (Obedience Trial-2)

Rally Obedience:
Saturday, February 15 (Rally Trial-1)
Saturday, February 15 (Rally Trial-2)
Sunday, February 16 (Rally Trial-3)
Monday, February 17 (Rally Trial-4)

  • Conformation - Stewart Dankner (Ontario, Canada)
    Conformation - Diane Fast (Manitoba, Canada)
    Conformation - Olga Gagne (Ontario, Canada)
    Conformation - David Gilmour (Saskatchewan, Canada)
    Conformation - Pierrette McLean (Ontario, Canada)
    Conformation - Tannis Postma (Alberta, Canada)
    Conformation - Rosemary Shoreman (Ontario, Canada)
    Conformation - Dann Wilson (Ontario, Canada)
    Obedience - Joey Farrell (Ontario, Canada)
    Rally Obedience - Joey Farrell (Ontario, Canada)
    Rally Obedience - Cathie Newans (Nova Scotia, Canada)

  •  Feb 15, 2025
    Feb 15, 2025
    Feb 16, 2025
    Feb 16, 2025
    Feb 17, 2025
    Feb 17, 2025
    Bests Stewart DanknerDann WilsonPierrette McLeanDavid GilmourRosemary ShoremanOlga Gagne
    Group 1

    Group Level
    Stewart Dankner

    Diane Fast
    Braque d'Auvergne
    Braque Francais
    Griffon (Wire-Haired Pointing)
    Lagotto Romagnolo
    Pointer (German Long-Haired)
    Pointer (German Short-Haired)
    Pointer (German Wire-Haired)
    Retriever (Chesapeake Bay)
    Retriever (Curly-Coated)
    Retriever (Golden)
    Setter (English)
    Setter (Gordon)
    Setter (Irish Red & White)
    Setter (Irish)
    Spinone Italiano

    Stewart Dankner
    Retriever (Flat-Coated)
    Retriever (Labrador)
    Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling)
    Spaniel (American Cocker)
    Spaniel (American Water)
    Spaniel (Blue Picardy)
    Spaniel (Brittany)
    Spaniel (Clumber)
    Spaniel (English Cocker)
    Spaniel (English Springer)
    Spaniel (Field)
    Spaniel (French)
    Spaniel (Irish Water)
    Spaniel (Sussex)
    Spaniel (Welsh Springer)
    Vizsla (Smooth)
    Vizsla (Wire-Haired)
    Pierrette McLeanDann Wilson

    Group Level
    David Gilmour

    David Gilmour
    Braque d'Auvergne
    Braque Francais
    Griffon (Wire-Haired Pointing)
    Lagotto Romagnolo
    Pointer (German Long-Haired)
    Pointer (German Short-Haired)
    Pointer (German Wire-Haired)
    Retriever (Chesapeake Bay)
    Retriever (Curly-Coated)
    Retriever (Flat-Coated)
    Retriever (Golden)
    Retriever (Labrador)
    Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling)
    Setter (Gordon)
    Setter (Irish Red & White)
    Setter (Irish)
    Spaniel (American Cocker)
    Spaniel (American Water)
    Spaniel (Blue Picardy)
    Spaniel (Brittany)
    Spaniel (Clumber)
    Spaniel (English Cocker)
    Spaniel (English Springer)
    Spaniel (Field)
    Spaniel (French)
    Spaniel (Irish Water)
    Spaniel (Sussex)
    Spaniel (Welsh Springer)
    Spinone Italiano
    Vizsla (Smooth)
    Vizsla (Wire-Haired)

    Stewart Dankner
    Setter (English)
    Olga Gagne

    Group Level
    Rosemary Shoreman

    Rosemary Shoreman
    Braque d'Auvergne
    Braque Francais
    Griffon (Wire-Haired Pointing)
    Lagotto Romagnolo
    Pointer (German Long-Haired)
    Pointer (German Short-Haired)
    Pointer (German Wire-Haired)
    Retriever (Chesapeake Bay)
    Retriever (Curly-Coated)
    Retriever (Flat-Coated)
    Retriever (Golden)
    Retriever (Labrador)
    Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling)
    Setter (English)
    Setter (Gordon)
    Setter (Irish Red & White)
    Spaniel (American Cocker)
    Spaniel (American Water)
    Spaniel (Blue Picardy)
    Spaniel (Brittany)
    Spaniel (Clumber)
    Spaniel (English Cocker)
    Spaniel (English Springer)
    Spaniel (Field)
    Spaniel (French)
    Spaniel (Irish Water)
    Spaniel (Sussex)
    Spaniel (Welsh Springer)
    Spinone Italiano
    Vizsla (Smooth)
    Vizsla (Wire-Haired)

    Stewart Dankner
    Setter (Irish)
    Group 2 Diane FastStewart DanknerPierrette McLeanDann WilsonRosemary ShoremanOlga Gagne
    Group 3 Stewart DanknerPierrette McLeanDann WilsonDavid GilmourTannis PostmaRosemary Shoreman
    Group 4 Stewart DanknerPierrette McLeanDann WilsonDavid GilmourOlga GagneRosemary Shoreman
    Group 5 Pierrette McLeanStewart DanknerDavid GilmourTannis PostmaRosemary ShoremanOlga Gagne
    Group 6 Diane FastStewart DanknerPierrette McLeanDavid GilmourOlga GagneTannis Postma
    Group 7 Dann WilsonPierrette McLeanDavid GilmourTannis PostmaRosemary ShoremanOlga Gagne

Forms & Links

Premium List
Benching Space Reservation
Judging Schedule

Show Secretary

Corinne Walker
76 Alexandria Ave
Morden, MB R6M 2C4
Phone: (204) 226-0410
Email: prairieskykennel@gmail.com

Related Specialties

Manitoba Australian Shepherd Club [ASCA] - ASCA Conformation Show for Australian Shepherds

Additional Notes
Junior Handling (Conformation & Obedience)
Junior Conformation Handling on Saturday during the noon break. Entry fee: $2. Judge: TBA
Junior Obedience Handling on Sunday during the noon break. Entry fee: $2. Judge: TBA

Casual Monday
Casual dress for judges and exhibitors on Monday.

Reserved Benching
Reserved spaces will be assigned on a first come first served basis. Send form to:
Joanne Sykes
Box 233
McAuley, MB R0M 1H0

* Note: e-transfers will be accepted for Reserved Benching. You may etransfer to denbydaleirish@gmail.com

Hotels Accepting Dogs
Canad Inn......................................Keystone Centre Grounds | Tel: 727-1422
Colonial Inn...................................1978 Queens Ave | Tel: 728-8532
Comfort Inn by Journey's End.......925 Middleton Ave | Tel: 727-6232
Days Inn........................................2130 Currie Blvd | Tel: 727-3600
Holiday Inn Express......................1148-18th St | Tel: 844-656-1783
Keystone Motor Inn.......................1050 18th Street | Tel: 728-6620
Midway Motel................................1st Street North, Hwy 1A | Tel: 725-1560
Motel 6...........................................815 Middleton Ave | Tel: 726-4000
Redwood Motor Inn.......................345 18th St | Tel: 728-2200
Clarion Hotel (Royal Oak Inn).......3130 Victoria Ave | Tel: 728-5775
Super 8 Motor Hotel......................1570 Highland Ave | Tel: 729-8024
The Little Chalet Motel..................18th Street & Hwy #1 | Tel: 725-1574
Travel Lodge Trails West...............210-18th Street | Tel: 800-578-7878
Victoria Inn....................................3550 Victoria Ave | Tel: 725-1532

[Update - January 4]:- If you have not yet booked a hotel room, there may be none available now. There is a major hockey tournament in Brandon the same weekend. There may be hotel vacancies in the cities surrounding Brandon.

[Update - December 17]:- Reserved grooming in the Canada Room is now full but reserved grooming in the hallway is still available.

Judge Overloads
The following judge changes are in place due to overloads in Sporting on Sunday and Monday:
- Sunday (Show #4) - Stewart Dankner will judge English Setters in place of David Gilmour
- Monday (Show #6) - Stewart Dankner will judge Irish Setters in place of Rosemary Shoreman

Event Map
Address: Canada Room, Keystone Centre, 1175 18th St, Brandon, Manitoba R7A 7C5
Disclamer: Map may not display exact location. Use event address to confirm your destination.

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