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Judge Information
Judge Name: Sharon Redmer
Location: Michigan, USA
Kennel Name: Starbright Tervurens
Types of Shows: Obedience Trial,Rally Obedience Trial,Conformation
Type of Breeds Belgian Shepherd Dog
Sharon Redmer entered the sport of dogs in 1970 training an “All American” shelter rescue. Her first Belgian Tervuren, earned a UDT with multi-High-in-Trials. Sharon went on to become an Obedience judge (> 40 years), and a conformation judge (30 years).

Sharon judges the Herding, Working and Sporting Groups, 3/4 of Non-Sporting & Manchester Terriers plus Obedience, Rally & Juniors. She has judged conformation on four continents plus many National Specialties for her own Belgian breeds and other Herding breed, both at home and abroad. In 2016, Sharon became the first judge of Westminster Kennel Club Masters Obedience Championship. She has also judged for Westminster KC breeds in 2021 and the Herding Group in 2022. AKC honored Sharon with the 2014 Lifetime Achievement Award.

Sharon currently chairs Judges Education for the American Belgian Tervuren Club and is an Honorary Life member of the Ann Arbor Kennel Club & Ann Arbor Dog Training Club.

Sharon and her husband Ed have bred Tervuren for over 45 years. 150+ StarBright Tervuren have earned CHs & GR CHs, OTCHs, MACHs, HTCHs, & CTs, obedience/rally/tracking/herding titles, All Breed Best in Shows & National wins & Group Placings.

The Redmers currently share their lives with 3 rather spoiled Terv bitches, and one gnarly rescue kitty named appropriately Hana the Horrible. Best of luck to all exhibitors.
Future Assignments
Past Assignments


Belgian Shepherd Dog Club Of Canada
on Saturday, September 26, 2015 (Event Details)
National Specialty on Saturday, September 26, 2015

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