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Judge Information
Judge Name: Mark Johnston
Location: New South Wales, Australia
Kennel Name:
Types of Shows: Conformation
Type of Breeds
Mark Johnston showed his first Boxer as a child in 1976, and has been actively involved with this fabulous breed ever since. From those early beginnings, Mark became the driving force in the family’s interest in Boxers, and Blueprint Boxers have gone on to become one of the most successful kennels in the Australia, with an international reputation. Blueprint Boxers have produced a long line of BIS winners, who have been recognised under top judges from around the world. With an interest in all aspects of the dog game, Mark has been President of the Boxer Club of New South Wales, and is currently the President of the Australian National Boxer Council. Mark has been licensed to judge Boxers since 1998, and All-breeds and award BIS since 2014, judging at many shows throughout Australia and New Zealand, England, Scotland, Ireland, Sweden, Singapore, South Africa, China, Canada, The Philippines, Chile, Norway, and Japan. Mark has travelled extensively around the world to attend major shows, including Crufts and World Dog Shows leading him to believe in the value of good dogs from anywhere in the world. Mark is married to Dayna, who is a partner in the world famous "Coifico" Miniature Poodle kennel.
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