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Judge Information
Judge Name: Juan Carlos Vasconsellos
Location: Asuncion, Paraguay
Kennel Name: Anjal Sahara
Types of Shows: Conformation
Type of Breeds
I was born in en Asunción, Paraguay, Architect by profession, All Round Judge for the Paraguay Kennel Club and the FCI (Federation Cinologique Internationale). I have dedicated my self to the Cinofilia since I was very young.

I have been a breeder and exhibitor of Salukis since 1976. Salukis from my kennel "Anjal Sahara" (Sons of the Desert) have obtained numerous victories, World Championships, International Championships, Latin American Championships and from various countries, as well as Best in Show in Latin American countries and Best of the Group in Europe and USA.

Salukis from my kennel "Anjal Sahara" have been Dog of the Year (All Breed) and Puppy of the year (All Breed) for many years in my country.

Over the years my Kennel has had 9 World Champions and 1 European Champion (FCI). For more than 20 years I have occupied various positions in the Paraguay Kennel Club, in the Management Committee, as Secretariat of the Management Committee, Vice-President and President, as well as the Show Committee.

At the moment I am Lifelong Member of the Paraguayan Kennel Club.

I am a founding member of the Saluki Club of Paraguay, of which at the moment I am its President. I have been a representative of the PKC at Sicalam Meetings (Sociedad de Intercambio de la Cinofilia Latino Americana), from its beginning, and World Meetings of the FCI.

I have been the owner of the following breeds: German Shepherd, English Cocker Spaniel, Smooth Fox Terrier, Labrador, Whippet, and Dobermann. At the moment I own of the following breeds: Welsh Corgi Pembroke and Saluki; and I am still breeding Salukis. Salukis from my kennels are found, in addition to Paraguay, in prestigious kennels in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Chile, Venezuela, Mexico, USA, Spain, Portugal and Finland.

I have judged in shows like "The Eukanuba Cup" in Sao Paulo, Brazil in 2003; in "The Saluki Speciality Show" in Seattle, USA; in "The Huron Valley Saluki Club" in Michigan; in "The San Angeles Saluki Club in Lompoc, California; "The Royal Canberra Show" and "The Western Classic" in Perth, Australia, the "Uitenhage Kennel Club", "Port Elizabeth Kennel Club" and "Walmer & Suburban Kennel Club" in Port Elizabeth, South Africa in April 2008; the National of “The Saluki Club”, “The Western Gazehound Club” and the all breed show of "The Pacific Kennel Club" in Vancouver, Canada in July 2008, in the Sarnia Kennel Club, Canada; the Saluki Specialty of Flash Club in USA and in the following countries: Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Portugal, Spain, Norway, Japan, Australia, South Africa and Paraguay.
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