The internet has opened new doors in communication amongst dog fanciers.  Aside from breed specific email lists, the following may be of interest to you:

Canada West Show Dogs
A Place for dog fanciers from Western Canada - BC to Northern Ontario, and the Pacific Northwest US... to interact, share ideas, talk about dog shows, training, or any other dog related topic. A forum for discussing dog events, dog shows, dog sports, canine health and other topics.
A Place to brag about your achievements, ask questions, share news, photos etc. You can advertise your kennel or dog related business here, including used dog supplies!


Alberta Show Dogs

A place and a way for dog people from Alberta Canada to get to know each other and to communicate. A forum for discussing dog events,dog shows, sports, health and other topics. A Place to brag about your achievements, ask questions, share news, pictures etc. You can advertise your kennel or dog related business here!



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