Battle River Canine Association
Sunday, March 24, 2013 - Obedience Trial 3

Related Results


Friday, March 22 (Obedience Trial 1)
Saturday, March 23 (Obedience Trial 2)
Sunday, March 24 (Obedience Trial 3)

Rally Obedience

Friday, March 22 (Rally Trial 1)
Saturday, March 23 (Rally Trial 2)
Sunday, March 24 (Rally Trial 3)

High In Trial
Judge: David Denis
Ch MOTCh RNB's Foxy Flair / Josephine Nolting

Pre-Novice - W.J. (Bill) Rogers
Ch Liska Star Gazer Bi Kimicko
 Shetland Sheepdog  Carol Williams & Pamela Cazes N/A
Ch Ashemburg's Gun Powder N Lead
 Rottweiler  Theresa Loehde N/A
Beaumark's Rev'n It Up
 Retriever (Labrador)  Tom & Meghan Sebastianski N/A

Novice A - W.J. (Bill) Rogers
Sunshadows Hero
 German Shepherd Dog  Val Steele 193.5
Anton von Hess
 Doberman Pinscher  Tamara McIntosh 191.5
Mokobreeze Spellbound
 Rottweiler  Eugene Piotrowski 185.0
Ch Dellerose Krista's Last Tango
 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel  Sandra Ubelacker 179.0

Novice B - W.J. (Bill) Rogers
Zaniri GoldNGun Keen4anything
 Retriever (Golden)  Mary Shillabeer 188.0
Ch Vispera Freezing Rayne
 Australian Shepherd  Jackie Tomayer 182.0

Open A - W.J. (Bill) Rogers
Rick's August Sweetgrass Spirit
 Retriever (Labrador)  Marg Hadley 193.5
Delphi's Stella Kathryn Eileen
 Poodle (Standard)  Karen Bentley 188.5

Open B - David Denis
Ch MOTCh RNB's Foxy Flair
 Norrbottenspets  Josephine Nolting 198.5
MOTCh Gaylan's You Quack Me Up
 Retriever (Golden)  Jill Brown 198.5
MOTCh AGMCh Ladylin's Keisha Kiss
 Shiba Inu  Linda Humeniuk 198.0
Dynstar Mythical Creature
 Shetland Sheepdog  Kimberley Boyes 198.0
Ch GMOTCh Zaniri's Piece By Piece
 Retriever (Golden)  Leanne Tucker 198.0
Levenland's Simply Irrisistable
 Poodle (Miniature)  Heather Box 197.0
OTCh Tucoldturain's Triton
 Siberian Husky  Jackie Wepruk & Rick Austin 186.0
OTCh Tucoldturain's Renegade
 Siberian Husky  Jackie Wepruk & Rick Austin 184.0

Utility A - W.J. (Bill) Rogers
Ch Ladyhawke In The Spotlight
 Spaniel (American Cocker)  Ellen Kovar 182.5

Utility B - David Denis
Levenland's Simply Irrisistable
 Poodle (Miniature)  Heather Box 198.5
Ch GMOTCh Zaniri's Piece By Piece
 Retriever (Golden)  Leanne Tucker 197.5
Ch MOTCh RNB's Foxy Flair
 Norrbottenspets  Josephine Nolting 195.5
MOTCh AGMCh Ladylin's Keisha Kiss
 Shiba Inu  Linda Humeniuk 194.0
MOTCh Gaylan's You Quack Me Up
 Retriever (Golden)  Jill Brown 192.0

Disclaimer: These are not official CKC results. If you spot any incorrect results, please visit Results Correction Page. We rely on the goodwill of volunteers to provide us with results and mistakes are corrected as soon as we receive them. For official results, contact the Canadian Kennel Club.

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