Brantford & District Kennel & Obedience Club
Sunday, September 6, 2020 - Obedience-1363

Related Results


Sunday, September 06 (Obedience-1363)
Sunday, September 06 (Obedience-1364)

Rally Obedience

Saturday, September 05 (Rally-1421)
Saturday, September 05 (Rally-1422)

High In Trial
Judge: Cheryl Bishop
Retriever (Golden)  
GMOTCh Tanbark's High Rolling Player / Rose Apollonio

Pre-Novice - Cheryl Bishop
Maplelane's Enriching Ash
 Retriever (Golden)  Joy Gray N/A
Bjorn Consensus
 Poodle (Miniature)  Debby Dacosta N/A
Sonrisas What A Kelev're Boy
 Havanese  Joy Thibert N/A
Roaneden's Fancy
 Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling)  Roderick McDowell N/A

Novice A - Cheryl Bishop
No Qualifiers

Novice B - Cheryl Bishop
Siosalach NiteoftheLivingDead
 Pug  Tracey Silverthorn 189.5

Novice Intermediate - Cheryl Bishop
GCh Ridgehaven Unexpected Journey
 Portuguese Water Dog  Lorie & Monte Crouch 198.0

Open HA - Cheryl Bishop
No Entry

Open 18A - Cheryl Bishop
No Entry

Open HB - Cheryl Bishop
Ch Adelheid's Coffeebean
 Poodle (Miniature)  Chantal Rioux 194.5
Ch OTCh Riomesa Pay It Forward
 Australian Shepherd  Diana Kirkaldy 194.0

Open 18B - Cheryl Bishop
GMOTCh Tanbark's High Rolling Player
 Retriever (Golden)  Rose Apollonio 199.5
Sirius (17000017)
 Belgian Shepherd Dog  Ashley Boyd 191.5

Utility A - Cheryl Bishop
No Qualifiers

Utility B - Cheryl Bishop
GMOTCh Tanbark's High Rolling Player
 Retriever (Golden)  Rose Apollonio 199.0
Ch Midnightsolo Adara Bat Haviva
 Black Russian Terrier  Jean Brown 191.0
Ch OTCh Riomesa Pay It Forward
 Australian Shepherd  Diana Kirkaldy 190.5
Ch Adelheid's Coffeebean
 Poodle (Miniature)  Chantal Rioux 185.0

Disclaimer: These are not official CKC results. If you spot any incorrect results, please visit Results Correction Page. We rely on the goodwill of volunteers to provide us with results and mistakes are corrected as soon as we receive them. For official results, contact the Canadian Kennel Club.

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