River Valley Obedience and Field Trial Club
Sunday, July 26, 2015 - Rally Trial 3

Related Results


Saturday, July 25 (Obedience Trial 1)
Saturday, July 25 (Obedience Trial 2)
Sunday, July 26 (Obedience Trial 3)
Sunday, July 26 (Obedience Trial 4)

Rally Obedience

Saturday, July 25 (Rally Trial 1)
Saturday, July 25 (Rally Trial 2)
Sunday, July 26 (Rally Trial 3)
Sunday, July 26 (Rally Trial 4)

Novice A - Michelle Armitage
Cowboy's Hold Your Horses
 Australian Shepherd  Sue Wishart 99.0
GCh Amberview Socie'te' Cartier
 Retriever (Golden)  Jonathan Newton 98.0
Geluk Is Jasmine
 Keeshond  Brenda Boyd 96.0
Genosha's Ms Princess
 Retriever (Golden)  Leslie Burns 95.0
GCh Lochlomond's Highland Falcon
 Cairn Terrier   94.0
Sablewind Fancy's Hat Trick
 Shetland Sheepdog   90.0
Lair's Laessy of Northwoods
 Griffon (Wire-Haired Pointing)  Jodi McKean 90.0
GCh Bowbell's Crosby Ajax Newton
 Retriever (Golden)  Tracy Newton 85.0

Novice B - Michelle Armitage
Bellwether & Patchmt Charles Windsor
 Dalmatian  Catherine Stevens 99.0
Jackson's Kiss N Tell
 Retriever (Golden)  Alexandra Rolston 99.0
Miss Frost
 Mixed Breed  Shawn Coughlan 97.0
Kare's Little Bouy Blue
 Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling)  Pam Dunn 96.0

Intermediate - Michelle Armitage
Whitepoint's Chedabucto Legacy
 Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling)  Mary Kendall Brooks 83.0

Advanced A - Michelle Armitage
Mawenpaws Icon On Screen
 Papillon  Kathy Boyd 82.0

Advanced B - Michelle Armitage
Ch Driftwood's Annalou Marie
 Retriever (Labrador)  Wendy Bennett 98.0
NewVista's Handsome Is
 German Shepherd Dog  Davine Walsh 98.0
Miss Frost
 Mixed Breed  Shawn Coughlan 97.0

Excellent A - Michelle Armitage
Cowboy's Redneck Onya Oz
 Australian Shepherd  Sue Wishart 97.0

Excellent B - Michelle Armitage
NewVista's Handsome Is
 German Shepherd Dog  Davine Walsh 84.0
GCh Stonepillar's Aloysius
 Schapendoes  Lisa Mayes 72.0

Disclaimer: These are not official CKC results. If you spot any incorrect results, please visit Results Correction Page. We rely on the goodwill of volunteers to provide us with results and mistakes are corrected as soon as we receive them. For official results, contact the Canadian Kennel Club.

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