Moncton Kennel Club
Saturday, November 18, 2017 - Rally Trial 1

Related Results

Novice A - Susan Bosence
Bluestone's Here For A Reason
 Spaniel (English Cocker)  Brittany Hudson 100.0
Becen's By Command
 Australian Shepherd  Kaitlin Fraser 93.0
Cfyre's Rory Of Bainwood
 Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling)  Allan Byers 92.0
Bannerstone's Frontpaige Blues
 Collie (Rough)  Natalie Worth 92.0
Brandamike's Angel In My Pocket
 Shetland Sheepdog  Donna Vanbuskirk 88.0

Novice B - Susan Bosence
GCh Tiamat's All About That Base
 Boxer  Winnie Kluck 94.0
Ch Tiamat's Chiara Via Nuova
 Boxer  Winnie Kluck 92.0
Romance's Love N Magic
 German Shepherd Dog  Natalie Worth 90.0
Dal Primo's You'll Never Walk Alone
 Bullmastiff  Lawrence Peyton 84.0

Intermediate - Susan Bosence
Yoda Von Diamondsun
 German Shepherd Dog  D J Buchanan 99.0
Ch Sunkozi Catch Me If You Can
 Retriever (Golden)  Margaret Bethune 98.0
Maldonfox All In Islandgems
 Toy Fox Terrier  Amanda Oatway 90.0
Ch Camlab's Eagertrieve Outlaw
 Retriever (Labrador)  Mary Lynn Lantz 85.0

Advanced A - Susan Bosence
Surreals Murphys Solo Tune
 Retriever (Labrador)  April Saulnier 100.0
Madabout's New Vintage
 Retriever (Labrador)  Tara Doiron 98.0

Advanced B - Susan Bosence
Kewpy's Skyfall Of Bloomfield
 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel  Stephen Hazelwood 100.0
Ch Stonerose Take It on Faith
 Rottweiler  Holli Murphy 100.0
GCh Dushanbe's Dreamboat
 Samoyed  Linda Johnson 99.0
Jet (15000064)
 Border Collie  Tanya Smith 99.0
Premina's Charlie
 Shetland Sheepdog  Maria Driscoll 98.0
GCh Polo's Oolong To Me N MyWay
 Afghan Hound  Cynthia Robicheau 94.0

Excellent A - Susan Bosence
Shelhaven Drama Queen
 Shetland Sheepdog  Maria Driscoll 99.0

Excellent B - Susan Bosence
Kewpy's Skyfall Of Bloomfield
 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel  Stephen Hazelwood 100.0
Premina's Charlie
 Shetland Sheepdog  Maria Driscoll 100.0
Jet (15000064)
 Border Collie  Tanya Smith 97.0
Nicha Mountaincrest Tobey
 Belgian Shepherd Dog  Muriel Wolfs 95.0
GCh Dushanbe's Dreamboat
 Samoyed  Linda Johnson 93.0
GCh Polo's Oolong To Me N MyWay
 Afghan Hound  Cynthia Robicheau 90.0
Ch Sablehill's Red Rose
 German Shepherd Dog  Nanette Pearl 85.0

Disclaimer: These are not official CKC results. If you spot any incorrect results, please visit Results Correction Page. We rely on the goodwill of volunteers to provide us with results and mistakes are corrected as soon as we receive them. For official results, contact the Canadian Kennel Club.

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