St. Catharines & District Kennel & Obedience Club
Friday, August 14, 2015 - Rally Trial 1

Related Results

Results courtesy of:

-- Shelley Ford --
BIS Can GCHEX/AM/UKC CH Hellwigg's Let Freedom Reign CGN CD RN
Owner: Shelley Ford
Breeder: Wendy Haddrall
Presented by Norm Fargo

Novice A - Susan Bell
No Qualifiers

Novice B - Susan Bell
Troika's Transit Of Venus
 Dalmatian  Stephanie Podejko 100.0
Barrington Santana Love Songs
 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel  Dawn Spencer 100.0
Ch Pintado's Catch Me If You Can
 Australian Shepherd  Virginia Hills 100.0
Lolyka's Black Or White M J
 Portuguese Water Dog  Martine Deschenes 100.0
Shandys Unforgettable Storm
 Spaniel (American Cocker)  Janet & John Marechal 98.0

Intermediate - Susan Bell
Nesmar's Elizzie Beth's Sam
 Spaniel (American Cocker)  Virginia Davies 100.0
Summer Storm Von Landos
 Boxer  Marion Thomson 97.0

Advanced A - Susan Bell
GCh Novacoast Believe In Magic
 Australian Shepherd  Danielle Mathias 90.0

Advanced B - Susan Bell
Ridgehaven's Oscar The Crouch
 Portuguese Water Dog  Lorie & Monte Crouch 100.0
Quinleighblu's Cassidy
 Retriever (Golden)  Lorrie Scriber & Helen Lackey 99.0
Tallygold's Pied Piper
 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel  Dawn Spencer 99.0
OTCh Society's Lone Gunman
 Spaniel (English Springer)  Mary & Paul Monteith 99.0
Fwaggles Pied Piper
 Manchester Terrier  Corie Bonnaffon 99.0
Ch Jewelcroft's Ceo
 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel  Brian Gray 98.0
Smudge du Bouleau Blanc
 Schapendoes  Catherine Bickley 98.0
Jewelcroft's Going Concern
 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel  Bonnie Sands 88.0

Excellent A - Susan Bell
No Entry

Excellent B - Susan Bell
Ridgehaven's Oscar The Crouch
 Portuguese Water Dog  Lorie & Monte Crouch 100.0
Quinleighblu's Cassidy
 Retriever (Golden)  Lorrie Scriber & Helen Lackey 100.0
OTCh Society's Lone Gunman
 Spaniel (English Springer)  Mary & Paul Monteith 96.0
Tallygold's Pied Piper
 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel  Dawn Spencer 92.0
Fwaggles Pied Piper
 Manchester Terrier  Corie Bonnaffon 79.0

Disclaimer: These are not official CKC results. If you spot any incorrect results, please visit Results Correction Page. We rely on the goodwill of volunteers to provide us with results and mistakes are corrected as soon as we receive them. For official results, contact the Canadian Kennel Club.

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