Golden Retriever Club of BC
Friday, July 20, 2012 - Rally Trial 2

Related Results

Novice A - Pearl Fabbro
Varazs Kedvesem Final Dance
 Vizsla (Smooth-Haired)  Teri Martin 93.0
Toldin's I Hope You Dance
 Vizsla (Smooth-Haired)  Brenda Matsen 92.0
Ch Supernova Never Enough
 Doberman Pinscher  Deborah Boisvert 92.0
Ch Mudlane Verdoro Games We Play
 Retriever (Golden)  Alana Kooznetsoff 85.0

Novice B - Pearl Fabbro
Hushaby's Sir Frankie
 Poodle (Miniature)  Lauren Peel 92.0
Tersha's Time To Watch
 German Shepherd Dog  Heather Lawson 91.0
Dalry's Clearly Canadian
 Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling)  Laura Norie 91.0

Advanced A - Pearl Fabbro
Greyghost's O Zone
 Weimaraner  Brenda Matsen 91.0

Advanced B - Pearl Fabbro
Ch Riverrun Rocky Mtn Special
 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel  Barbara Lowden 97.0
Ch Sunset B-lieve It At Acclaim
 Doberman Pinscher  Carol & Ellice Hauta 97.0
Envoy Foxy II Margitte Larissa
 Schnauzer (Miniature)  Sharon Cameron 97.0

Excellent A - Pearl Fabbro
No Entry

Excellent B - Pearl Fabbro
Ch Riverrun Rocky Mtn Special
 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel  Barbara Lowden 98.0
Envoy Foxy II Margitte Larissa
 Schnauzer (Miniature)  Sharon Cameron 98.0
Calinours Touch Of Faith
 Pug  Yvonne Schofield 96.0

Disclaimer: These are not official CKC results. If you spot any incorrect results, please visit Results Correction Page. We rely on the goodwill of volunteers to provide us with results and mistakes are corrected as soon as we receive them. For official results, contact the Canadian Kennel Club.

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