Shetland Sheepdog Club Of BC
Sunday, November 21, 2010 - Rally Trial 3

Related Results


Saturday, November 20 (Obed Trial 1)
Saturday, November 20 (Obed Trial 2)
Sunday, November 21 (Obed Trial 3)
Sunday, November 21 (Obed Trial 4)

Rally Obedience

Saturday, November 20 (Rally Trial 1)
Saturday, November 20 (Rally Trial 2)
Sunday, November 21 (Rally Trial 3)
Sunday, November 21 (Rally Trial 4)

Novice A - Lindsay Ibbotson
Heads Up Sheza Firecracker
 Retriever (Golden)  Marge Bishop 99.0
Ch Westmeath Made You Look
 Yorkshire Terrier  Kimberly Skiba 93.0
Treasure's Lock And Load
 Australian Shepherd  Lori Griffin 92.0
Aerdenhout's Enter The Dagan
 Schnauzer (Giant)  Susan & Eric Ballinger 90.0
 Retriever (Golden)  Jacquie Uhrmann 89.0
Ch Nowwithem Top Caliber
 Pointer  Jill Koch 72.0

Novice B - Lindsay Ibbotson
Coppertop She's So Fine
 Retriever (Golden)  Marge Bishop 97.0
Darkstar Dreamtime
 Manchester Terrier  Joy Henderson 95.0
Ch Steinhaus Hit The Jackpot
 Schnauzer (Standard)  Heather Pederson 94.0
Ch Quiche's Epic Adventure
 Bouvier des Flandres  Gail Bradshaw 93.0
WinterGarden's Fantasia
 Poodle (Standard)  Charlotte Carey 92.0
Delcourt's Lady's Knight
 West Highland White Terrier  Sheila Tan 91.0
Rainsongs Rhythem N Blues Reggae
 Manchester Terrier  Kim Anderson 86.0
Debalys I Honestly Love You
 Siberian Husky  Amara Masson 85.0
Pengalli's Moonlight Paradise Treasure
 Boxer  Yvonne Loppnau 70.0

Advanced A - Lindsay Ibbotson
No Qualifiers

Advanced B - Lindsay Ibbotson
Jet De La Brise
 Berger Des Pyrenees  Sandra Cronhelm 87.0
Ch Surfsong's Summer Promise
 Bearded Collie  Ray Salmon and Ann Rambaud 81.0
Ch Ebnet's Karma
 Bernese Mountain Dog  Meredith Gilbert 79.0

Excellent A - Lindsay Ibbotson
No Entry

Excellent B - Lindsay Ibbotson
Zaniri's Angeni Of Ravengold
 Retriever (Golden)  Kira M'Lot 94.0
Ch Surfsong's Summer Promise
 Bearded Collie  Ray Salmon and Ann Rambaud 91.0
Blumoon's Alfie
 Schipperke  Laura Miller 87.0
Ch Ebnet's Karma
 Bernese Mountain Dog  Meredith Gilbert 86.0

Disclaimer: These are not official CKC results. If you spot any incorrect results, please visit Results Correction Page. We rely on the goodwill of volunteers to provide us with results and mistakes are corrected as soon as we receive them. For official results, contact the Canadian Kennel Club.

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