EPS Training Associates
Saturday, October 9, 2010 - Rally Trial 1

Related Results


Saturday, October 09 (Obed Trial 1)
Saturday, October 09 (Obed Trial 2)
Sunday, October 10 (Obed Trial 3)
Sunday, October 10 (Obed Trial 4)
Monday, October 11 (Obed Trial 5)
Monday, October 11 (Obed Trial 6)

Rally Obedience

Saturday, October 09 (Rally Trial 1)
Saturday, October 09 (Rally Trial 2)
Sunday, October 10 (Rally Trial 3)
Sunday, October 10 (Rally Trial 4)
Monday, October 11 (Rally Trial 5)
Monday, October 11 (Rally Trial 6)

Results courtesy of:

-- Sandy Briggs --
Ch Wimberway's Helzapopin CD, WC, RE, TD
Wimberway Kennels

Novice A - Isobel Hutton
Uprpaw Shaker Again
 Rottweiler  D & T Riseborough 97.0

Novice B - Isobel Hutton
Ch Snowdancer's Polar Express
 Shetland Sheepdog  D MacDonald 98.0
Eden's Butter Believe It
 Retriever (Golden)  Jamie Veraldi 98.0
Eden's Above N Beyond
 Retriever (Golden)  Jamie Veraldi 97.0
Wimberway's All My Pizazz
 Retriever (Labrador)  Lillian Fowler 96.0
Rowantide's Redland Coaster
 Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling)  B & G Brown 93.0
Ch Bibelot Josol Cherod Silverjoy
 Poodle (Standard)  S Fraser & D drake 90.0

Advanced A - Isobel Hutton
Woktaurus Belaness
 Briard  Shauna Palmer 82.0

Advanced B - Isobel Hutton
Ch Altair's On Golden Pond
 Chinese Crested  Rebecca Adams 99.0
TraJam Longhorn Legally Blonde
 Beagle  Rosemary Holtz 97.0
Maplelodge's Noah's Ark
 German Shepherd Dog  Treva Reed 76.0
Geneva's Wimberway Gay
 Retriever (Labrador)  Sandy Briggs 73.0

Excellent A - Isobel Hutton
No Qualifiers

Excellent B - Isobel Hutton
TraJam Longhorn Legally Blonde
 Beagle  Rosemary Holtz 96.0
Ch Wimberway's Helzapopin
 Retriever (Labrador)  Sandy Briggs 95.0

Disclaimer: These are not official CKC results. If you spot any incorrect results, please visit Results Correction Page. We rely on the goodwill of volunteers to provide us with results and mistakes are corrected as soon as we receive them. For official results, contact the Canadian Kennel Club.

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