Lethbridge & District Kennel Club
Saturday, November 17, 2018 - Rally Trial 1

Related Results


Saturday, November 17 (Obedience Trial 1)
Sunday, November 18 (Obedience Trial 2)

Rally Obedience

Saturday, November 17 (Rally Trial 1)
Sunday, November 18 (Rally Trial 2)

Results courtesy of:

-- Michelle Whistlecraft --
MHIT, CH MOTCH AGMCHS Wathaman's Xtremely Xplosive Am UD, Am/Can TD, Am/Can RE, XPS, DD, Am/Can HT, PT, AXP, AJP, AFP, VER, VCD2, CS, CI, CS-T, CI-T, HIC
Owner: Michelle Whistlecraft

Novice A - Kelly Ladouceur
 Mixed Breed  Kelly Applebee 98.0
Laetitia Here Comes The Sun
 Poodle (Standard)  Donnie Scott 96.0
Murphy Miller
 Mixed Breed  Danni Miller 93.0
GCh Distaff Black Bart
 Staffordshire Bull Terrier  Krista Macpherson 93.0
Ch Littlebay's Hufflepuff
 Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling)  Lindsay Letcher 88.0
I Intrepid Vom Dragonhaus
 German Shepherd Dog  Debbie Haines 84.0

Novice B - Kelly Ladouceur
Cohl Alkemi Of Herland
 Bouvier des Flandres  Carolyn Herle; Louise OdLand 100.0
Avitar's Smoking Hot Jazz
 Otterhound  Beverly Biren 97.0
Blazingstar Aerodynamic
 Retriever (Flat-Coated)  Judy Hunt 92.0

Intermediate - Kelly Ladouceur
No Qualifiers

Advanced A - Kelly Ladouceur
Groot (18900046)
 Mixed Breed  Kelly Applebee 90.0
Divinitys West Coast Jett Runn
 Poodle (Standard)  Arlee Dommett 87.0
Soleilbleu's Sylkera Starshine
 Kerry Blue Terrier  Susan Hurtak 84.0

Advanced B - Kelly Ladouceur
Ashemburg's Lady B Fly
 Rottweiler  Marina Skoreiko 98.0
GCh Vizslavilla Prize Pure Goddess
 Vizsla (Smooth)  Oksana Moshynska 98.0
Ch MOTCh AGMCh Wathaman's Xtremely Xplosive
 Rottweiler  Michelle Whistlecraft 97.0
GCh Seransil Skyewell Roc'On Royal
 Poodle (Standard)  Robyn de Jager 96.0
Leo (14000027)
 Border Collie  Amanda Labadie 93.0

Excellent A - Kelly Ladouceur
Luna Winger Ferari
 Black Russian Terrier  Dallas Wingerak 95.0
Raylin CJ I've Puta Spellon You
 Schnauzer (Miniature)  Lou-Anne Lambert 80.0

Excellent B - Kelly Ladouceur
Ch TCh Aviance Showtime
 Belgian Shepherd Dog  Heather Lockhart 99.0
Ch MOTCh AGMCh Wathaman's Xtremely Xplosive
 Rottweiler  Michelle Whistlecraft 98.0
Ashemburg's Lady B Fly
 Rottweiler  Marina Skoreiko 96.0
Brit (11000100)
 Border Collie  Amanda Labadie 94.0
GCh Vizslavilla Prize Pure Goddess
 Vizsla (Smooth)  Oksana Moshynska 92.0
GCh Blazingstar Galwey
 Retriever (Flat-Coated)  Jolene McCuaig 89.0
Beatawn's Wind Spirit
 Retriever (Labrador)  Phyllis Reid 75.0

Master - Kelly Ladouceur
Tanash's Its A Private Party
 Spaniel (English Springer)  Amber Levy 99.0
Yando vom Haus Stirling
 German Shepherd Dog  Gaeleen Ratte 92.0
Ch TCh Aviance Showtime
 Belgian Shepherd Dog  Heather Lockhart 90.0

Disclaimer: These are not official CKC results. If you spot any incorrect results, please visit Results Correction Page. We rely on the goodwill of volunteers to provide us with results and mistakes are corrected as soon as we receive them. For official results, contact the Canadian Kennel Club.

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