For Sale - Dogs/Puppies




Beautiful Older Female CKC Registered German Shepherd Pup

Posted By

Laura Browning on May 22, 2019 AT 03:05

End Date

December 31, 1969 to October 31, 2019


This is Cleo's Hellfire of The Wolf Clan Kennel. Cleo is a female pup from Embla von Boomlake(ped etc) and Brix z Bielej plane(ped etc) Cleo was born on July 19th 2018. She is beautiful, sturdy, balanced temperament ed girl, who is both loving and a big cuddlebug as well as an active, agile German Shepherd pup. She requires(as does any pooch) alot of one on one. She needs interaction and exercise daily to keep her mind and body healthy and happy. She is calm in her crate and loves to cuddle on the couch after a good play session. Cleo walks well on a leash and has an excellent sit and down and knows basic house commands. Cleo is a large girl weighing in lastly about at 8 month of age at 70.5 pounds lean. She is a big boned and bottomed girl and is mainly black and red with tan and alittle white. She has almond shaped, medium brown eyes that will melt your heart. Cleo gets along well with other dogs of different sizes and sexs. I am at a loss why she is still with us.




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