Breed Points - Alberta
Number of dogs defeated in the breed

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Last Updated: March 29, 2025 AT 08:03:25 Atlantic Time


Type of Point Standings Year Display Breed Province  
Breed Points Update

January | February | March

Picture Rank Last Month Breed Dog Name All Breed BOB Specialty BOB Points
1 1 Retriever (Labrador) GCh Eagertrieves Key To Innovation(F) 2 0 19
2 2 Retriever (Labrador) Lilywings Almost Vindicator(M) 1 0 9
3 N/A Retriever (Labrador) Eagertrieves Party Crasher(M) 0 0 0
3 N/A Retriever (Labrador) Ch Kermodei's Dream Catcher(F) 0 0 0
3 3 Retriever (Labrador) Lilywings Ramjam Black Betty(F) 0 0 0
The Breed Point Standings are based on the number of dogs defeated in a breed and are not an official CKC record of points or wins. The system is unique to Canuck Dogs. The Breed Point standings are not calculated at the same time as the regular Conformation standings due to the delay in obtaining Best of Breed results for All-Breed shows. Once volunteers submit All-breed Breed results, the standings are updated. For official CKC results, contact the Canadian Kennel Club.

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