EVENT INFORMATION | << Return To Previous Page |
Club Canin Rive-Sud de Montreal April 28, 2023 - April 30, 2023 Iberville, Quebec (Indoors) | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Description: 3 All Breed Shows
Address: Arena d'Iberville, 370 Avenue Lareau, Iberville, Quebec J2X 2R6
Closing Date: Tuesday, April 11, 2023 @ 8:00 p.m. (Eastern)
Related Results
Friday, April 28
Saturday, April 29
Sunday, April 30
Conformation - Murray Eason (Alberta, Canada)
Conformation - Veronica Mercer (Ontario, Canada)
Conformation - Michelle Scott (Ontario, Canada)
Conformation - Peter Scott (Ontario, Canada)
Conformation - Linda St-Hilaire (Quebec, Canada)
Conformation - Rita Walker (Ontario, Canada)
Apr 28, 2023 Apr 29, 2023 Apr 30, 2023 Bests Murray Eason Michelle Scott Rita Walker Group 1 Michelle Scott Murray Eason Rita Walker Group 2 Rita Walker Murray Eason
Group Level
Veronica Mercer
Linda St-Hilaire
Basset Hound
Coonhound (Black & Tan)
Dachshund (Miniature Long-Haired)
Dachshund (Miniature Smooth)
Dachshund (Miniature Wire-Haired)
Dachshund (Standard Long-Haired)
Dachshund (Standard Smooth)
Dachshund (Standard Wire-Haired)
Finnish Spitz
Foxhound (American)
Foxhound (English)
Veronica Mercer
Afghan Hound
Deerhound (Scottish)
Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen
Ibizan Hound
Irish Wolfhound
Norwegian Elkhound
Norwegian Lundehund
Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen
Pharaoh Hound
Rhodesian Ridgeback
WhippetGroup 3 Murray Eason Michelle Scott
Group Level
Rita Walker
Rita Walker
Greenland Dog
Karelian Bear Dog
Neapolitan Mastiff
Portuguese Water Dog
Saint Bernard
Schnauzer (Giant)
Schnauzer (Standard)
Siberian Husky
Tibetan Mastiff
Yakutian Laika
Veronica Mercer
Alaskan Malamute
Anatolian Shepherd Dog
Bernese Mountain Dog
Black Russian Terrier
Canaan Dog
Canadian Eskimo Dog
Cane Corso
Doberman Pinscher
Dogue de Bordeaux
Entlebucher Mountain Dog
Great Dane
Great Pyrenees
Greater Swiss Mountain DogGroup 4 Peter Scott Rita Walker Michelle Scott Group 5
Group Level
Murray Eason
Murray Eason
Miniature Pinscher
Poodle (Toy)
Russkiy Toy
Silky Terrier
Toy Fox Terrier
Toy Manchester Terrier
Xoloitzcuintli (Toy)
Yorkshire Terrier
Peter Scott
American Eskimo Dog (Toy)
Biewer Terrier
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Chihuahua (Long Coat)
Chihuahua (Short Coat)
Chinese Crested Dog
Coton De Tulear
English Toy Spaniel
Griffon (Brussels)
Italian Greyhound
Japanese Chin
MalteseMichelle Scott Rita Walker Group 6 Rita Walker Peter Scott Michelle Scott Group 7 Michelle Scott Rita Walker Linda St-Hilaire
Forms & Links
Premium List
Entry Form
Special Notice/Announcement
Judging Schedule
Show Secretary
Diana Edwards Show Services
1562 Route 203
Howick, QC J0S 1G0
Phone: 450-825-2824
Fax: 450-825-0894
Email: diana@dess.ca
Website: http://www.dess.ca/
Additional Notes
Junior Handling
Sunday. Judge: TBA.
Host Hotel
Comfort Inn.............700 Gadbois Rue, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu | Tel: (450) 359-4466
Camping / Parking Bulletin
Nous sommes désolés de vous annoncer que nous ne sommes plus en mesure d'accepter de roulottes, fifth wheel et VR pour le SHOW du CLUB CANIN RIVE SUD DE MONTRÉAL à Iberville les 28, 29 et 30 Avril 2023En effet, nous venons d'être avisé par l'administration de l'aréna Marcel Laroque, QUE SUITE À DES TRAVAUX D'AGRANDISSEMENT de l'école secondaire, voisine de l'aréna, que des ROULOTTES DE CHANTIER vont être installées sur le stationnement de l'aréna, que nous avons l'habitude d'utiliser pour les nos exposants. et de ce fait le stationnement est réduit d'un tiers.Nous avons déjà 16 réservations, ce qui est le maximum que nous pourrons accepter cette année.Nous sommes désolé de ce désagrément, et tous ceux qui n'ont pas réservé, ne pourront être acceptés, ou devront stationner sur le stationnement des autobus scolaires MAIS SEULEMENT À PARTIR DU VENDREDI 28 À PARTIR DE 17:00Nous essayons de trouver une solution de secours dans des campings voisins qui seraient ouvert fin Avril.
We are sorry to announce that we are no longer able to accept trailers, fifth wheels and RVs for the CLUB CANIN RIVE SUD DE MONTRÉAL SHOW in Iberville on April 28, 29 and 30 2023Indeed, we have just been informed by the administration of the Marcel Laroque arena, THAT FOLLOWING EXPANSION WORKS of the secondary school, close to the arena, that CONSTRUCTION TRAILERS will be installed on the arena parking lot, which we usually use for our exhibitors. and as a result parking is reduced by a third.We already have 16 reservations, which is the maximum we will be able to accept this year.We are sorry for this inconvenience, and all those who have not reserved will not be accepted, or will have to park in the school bus parking lot BUT ONLY FROM FRIDAY 28 at 5:00 p.m.We are trying to find an emergency solution in campground that would be open at the end of April.
Regards, Jean-paul and Diane
Camping Update - April 9 - Nouvelle message / New Message
[UPDATE - April 9]:- Nous avons contacté le Campling Les Cèdres, 658 Rte 219, L’Acadie, St-Jean-Sur Richelieu, J2Y 1C4. 450-346-9276, qui est seulement à 20mn du show, lors de votre réservation, veuillez mentioner que c’est pour le DOG SHOW du Club Canin Rive Sud de Montréal.
We have contacted Camping Les Cèdres, 658 Rte 219, L’Acadie, St-Jean-Sur-Richelieu J2Y 1C4, 450-346-9276. It’s 20 minutes away from the show site. When you’ll make the booking don’t forget to mention that it is for the DOG SHOW, Club Canin Rive Sud de Montreal.
Event Map
Address: Arena d'Iberville, 370 Avenue Lareau, Iberville, Quebec J2X 2R6
Disclamer: Map may not display exact location. Use event address to confirm your destination.
Featured Dogs
Dog Name | GChB Zesta Shiver Me Timbur | |
Owner | Terryn Kuzyk | |
Breed | Shetland Sheepdog | |
Overall Rank | 322 | |
Group Rank | 50 | |
Breed Rank | 6 |
Featured Links
The Canadian Kennel Club- The Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) is the primary registry body for purebred dogs in Canada and currently recognizes 187 breeds.
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- Considering purchasing a purebred dog? The Puppy List is an easy-to-use searchable database that includes contact information for CKC Member Breeders.
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- Adding a new member to your family can be an exciting and patience-trying experience. Before contacting potential breeders, visit CKC’s Finding an Accountable Breeder page for a list of key tips to help you find the right breeder for you.
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- Barry Truax's Top Dog stats for 1988 - 2007 plus Terriers up to 2017.
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- Barry Truax's Top Dog Single Year Show Dog Records
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- Contact the CDJA to offer Ringside Mentoring & Breed Presentations
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- A Canada wide initiative by dedicated enthusiasts, designed to promote the benefits of purebred dog ownership.
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Did you know
- So far today Canuck Dogs has had 184,253 visitors.
- Canuck Dogs receives on average 130,020 visitors a day.
- Last month Canuck Dogs received 7,786,258 visitors.
- Since March 26, 2010, Canuck Dogs received 703,410,246 visitors.