Alberta Kennel Club
Friday, January 20, 2017 - Rally Trial 1

Related Results

Results courtesy of:

div align="center"> -- Michelle Whistlecraft --
Wolffman's Kosmic Lunar Karma AGNS, AGNJS
MHIT, CH & OTCH Wathaman's Xtremely Xplosive Am CDX, Am/Can HT, DD, AGIs, AGIJs, OAP, NAJP, PADNs, NFP, RN, Am RE, CS, CI, CS-T, HIC
CH Wathaman's YouOttaB N Pictures
MHIT, CH, MOTCH & AGMCHV Wathaman's Trainwrek O Trouble Am UD, TD, Am/Can HT, PT, HSS, HSAS, RE, Am RAE, NAP, NAJP, VER, PADN, HIC, CGN, TT
MHIT, CH & GMOTCH Wathaman's Vandalizing Vegas Am UD, Am HT, Am/Can RE, AGXV, AGXJV, OAP, OAJP, VER, PADIV, NFP, HIC, CGN, TT
Owner: Michelle Whistlecraft

Novice A - Marie-J Cloutier
1Drdogs Rocket N The Covey 2nite
 Retriever (Golden)  Jane Blum 99.0
Windmar's Gynnie Rose
 Belgian Shepherd Dog  Joan Michaud 95.0
Praderia Esperanza De Zorrazo
 Spanish Water Dog  Glenda Kealey 95.0
Ch Adonis' Saving Grace
 Great Dane  Kelly Gunsch 89.0
GCh Koping Shoe Love Is True Love
 Weimaraner  Julia Wilson 87.0
Ravine Acres Freya
 Mixed Breed  Allisha Fisher 84.0
Sierra Kaweah
 Tamaskan Dog  Katlin Primrose 82.0
Drehbars Diamond Willow
 Weimaraner  Trisha Lammle 80.0
Rue Vom Hau Saigon
 German Shepherd Dog  Lisa Freeston 79.0
GCh Buaidh-Motlikru Kept Woman
 Bearded Collie  Julia Wilson 77.0

Novice B - Marie-J Cloutier
Ch Tierney's Always Meine Lieben
 Rottweiler  Gwen Haynes 100.0
Ch MOTCh Tierney's A Real Head Turner
 Rottweiler  Gwen Haynes 90.0
Ch Wathaman's Zest For Life
 Rottweiler  Kim Zippel 87.0

Intermediate - Marie-J Cloutier
Valubal One Broke Girl
 Old English Sheepdog  Katherine Ball & Valerie J Bandas 88.0

Advanced A - Marie-J Cloutier
Tri-Star Audna Amy
 Iceland Sheepdog  Tina Robinson 84.0
Zorrazo's Xplorer
 Spanish Water Dog  Marnie Harrison 79.0
Ch Bernardo De Sinkovic
 Spanish Water Dog  Marnie Harrison 74.0

Advanced B - Marie-J Cloutier
Rowan (16000030)
 Australian Shepherd  Megan Crane 100.0
GCh dBella's Vaudeville Vixen
 Doberman Pinscher  Linda Hill 99.0
Hyperhounds Foreign Affair
 Shetland Sheepdog  Kimberley Boyes 90.0
GCh Wagswell's Seismic Activity
 Dachshund (Standard Wire-Haired)  Loren Bressers 88.0
Theory (15000044)
 Shiba Inu  Jennifer Gale 87.0
Hamilton's Scarlett O'Hara
 American Eskimo Dog (Standard)  Janna Laberge 81.0

Excellent A - Marie-J Cloutier
Mango (11000039)
 Parson Russell Terrier  Megan Crane 87.0
Hatid Fra Olafsvollum
 Iceland Sheepdog  Tina Robinson 79.0

Excellent B - Marie-J Cloutier
Hamilton's Scarlett O'Hara
 American Eskimo Dog (Standard)  Janna Laberge 83.0
GCh dBella's Vaudeville Vixen
 Doberman Pinscher  Linda Hill 80.0
Rowan (16000030)
 Australian Shepherd  Megan Crane 80.0

Disclaimer: These are not official CKC results. If you spot any incorrect results, please visit Results Correction Page. We rely on the goodwill of volunteers to provide us with results and mistakes are corrected as soon as we receive them. For official results, contact the Canadian Kennel Club.

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