Alberta Kennel Club
Saturday, January 23, 2016 - Rally Trial 2

Related Results


Friday, January 22 (Obedience Trial 1)
Saturday, January 23 (Obedience Trial 2)
Sunday, January 24 (Obedience Trial 3)

Rally Obedience

Friday, January 22 (Rally Trial 1)
Saturday, January 23 (Rally Trial 2)
Sunday, January 24 (Rally Trial 3)

Results courtesy of:

-- Michelle Whistlecraft --
Wolffman's Kosmic Lunar Karma AGNS, AGNJS
MHIT, CH & OTCH Wathaman's Xtremely Xplosive Am CDX, Am/Can HT, DD, AGIs, AGIJs, OAP, NAJP, PADNs, NFP, RN, Am RE, CS, CI, CS-T, HIC
CH Wathaman's YouOttaB N Pictures
MHIT, CH, MOTCH & AGMCHV Wathaman's Trainwrek O Trouble Am UD, TD, Am/Can HT, PT, HSS, HSAS, RE, Am RAE, NAP, NAJP, VER, PADN, HIC, CGN, TT
MHIT, CH & GMOTCH Wathaman's Vandalizing Vegas Am UD, Am HT, Am/Can RE, AGXV, AGXJV, OAP, OAJP, VER, PADIV, NFP, HIC, CGN, TT
Owner: Michelle Whistlecraft

Novice A - Susan Des Cotes
1Drdogs Rocket N The Covey 2nite
 Retriever (Golden)  Jane Blum 100.0
Homeport Emperor At Titanbear
 Newfoundland  Gary & Kim Haynes 100.0
Lupi Moyen
 Dachshund (Standard Smooth-Haired)  Nicole Moyen 99.0
Windmar's Gynnie Rose
 Belgian Shepherd Dog  Joan Michaud 93.0
Sycalcade's Walk Thru Fire
 Bullmastiff  Leanne Zukowski 90.0
Ka-Deysa's Tango With Dorkay
 Boston Terrier  Chelsea Brazeau 71.0

Novice B - Susan Des Cotes
No Qualifiers

Intermediate - Susan Des Cotes
Ch Osor Justice Shines
 German Shepherd Dog  Sharlet Caroe 84.0
Ch Armada's Bring On The Rain
 Portuguese Water Dog  Audrey Hawthorne 81.0
Gearharts Patriot Games
 Australian Shepherd  leilahni Thompson 81.0
Baywood Double Dare 2B Different
 Portuguese Water Dog  Karen & Perry Massner 75.0

Advanced A - Susan Des Cotes
No Qualifiers

Advanced B - Susan Des Cotes
GChEx Von Wilhelms Oil Baron
 Rottweiler  Paul Rintoul 77.0

Excellent A - Susan Des Cotes
Ch Amaley N Cassbar Custom Chrome
 Shetland Sheepdog  Amanda Swanson 94.0

Excellent B - Susan Des Cotes
Ch Affinity Amazing Kiss
 Retriever (Flat-Coated)  Judy and Allan Hunt 93.0
GCh Kinwashkly Perty Chipper
 Spaniel (Brittany)  Carl & Lee Magnuson 90.0
Xalted Shockalot Pascal
 Poodle (Standard)  Lahni Thompson 82.0

Disclaimer: These are not official CKC results. If you spot any incorrect results, please visit Results Correction Page. We rely on the goodwill of volunteers to provide us with results and mistakes are corrected as soon as we receive them. For official results, contact the Canadian Kennel Club.

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