Societe Canine de Thetford
Sunday, May 29, 2011 - Trial 4

Related Results


Saturday, May 28 (Show # 1)
Saturday, May 28 (Show # 2)
Sunday, May 29 (Show # 3)
Sunday, May 29 (Show # 4)


Saturday, May 28 (Trial 1)
Saturday, May 28 (Trial 2)
Sunday, May 29 (Trial 3)
Sunday, May 29 (Trial 4)

High In Trial
Judge: Lucie Leduc Levasseur
Griffon (Wire-Haired Pointing)  
Ch OTCh BourgRoyal's McM Dune / Gino Albert

Pre-Novice - Lucie Leduc Levasseur
No Entry

Novice A - Lucie Leduc Levasseur
Bullmax Angie The Beautiful
 Bullmastiff  Gerald Gagnon & Josee Levesque 184.5
Ch Belnois Unique Illusion
 Bernese Mountain Dog  Veronique Matte-Paquet 180.0

Novice B - Lucie Leduc Levasseur
Sassafras Conbrio Don't Wait Up
 Shetland Sheepdog  Diann Gindlesperger 190.5
Goldriver Grand Boni Mistral
 Retriever (Golden)  Michel Legris 185.0

Open A - Lucie Leduc Levasseur
No Entry

Open B - Lucie Leduc Levasseur
Ch OTCh BourgRoyal's McM Dune
 Griffon (Wire-Haired Pointing)  Gino Albert 192.0
Ch Sassafras Toast To A Charmer
 Shetland Sheepdog  Diann Gindlesperger 189.0

Utility - Lucie Leduc Levasseur
Ch OTCh BourgRoyal's McM Dune
 Griffon (Wire-Haired Pointing)  Gino Albert 189.0

Disclaimer: These are not official CKC results. If you spot any incorrect results, please visit Results Correction Page. We rely on the goodwill of volunteers to provide us with results and mistakes are corrected as soon as we receive them. For official results, contact the Canadian Kennel Club.

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