Judge Information |
Judge Name: | Patricia Nemirovsky-Alsina | |
Location: | Buenos Aires, Argentina | |
Kennel Name: | ||
Website: | ||
Types of Shows: | Conformation | |
Type of Breeds | ||
Biography |
Mrs. Patricia Nemirovsky de Alsina Licensed to judge by F.C.A./ F.C.I. : ALL-BREEDS (all-rounder) - AKC judge # 29739 Judging since 1988, have judged multiple championship specialties and all-breeds shows in all 5 Continents, including: Sydney's Spring Fair & Melbourne's Sunbury, and General Specials at Ladies K. Ass., Perth's Summer Classic & Canberra's Royal (Australia); BIS at Japan Kennel Club International all-breed show (Kinki block); Johannesburg's "Dog of the Year" & "KUSA Classic 2008" (South Africa); Ladies Kennel Association of America (New York), Belleville & Springfield (Illinois); Santa Clara Valley, Riverside, Angeles Canyon, Orange Empire, Sacramento & North Cal Terrier Ass (California); Waukesha & Burlington (Wisconsin), Lewisburg (West Virginia), and Tucson (Arizona), USA; Leon (Spain); Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Ecuador, Indonesia, Mexico, New Zealand, Paraguay, Peru, Thailand, Uruguay & Venezuela. Also, judged at Hatboro, Devon & Montgomery 2010; and the World Shows in Argentina 2005, judged Smooth Fox T. & AmStaffs; Poland 2006, judged Am Cocker Sp (fem), Black & Silver Min Schnzr (males), and Min LongH Dachs (fem); and Sweden 2008, judged Airedale T & Argentine Dogos, among other breeds. All breed professional handler from 1974 to 1985, winning #l dog all breeds 6 times. Was proclaimed Handler of the year for 1976 by the Argentine magazine "World of Dogs". She's the current President of the Schnauzer Club of Argentina (since 1995), and a former Director of Airedale Terrier Club of Argentina, American Cocker Club of Argentina, and Afghan Hound Club of Argentina. She's Former member of the Advisory Committee to the F.C.A.'s Board of Directors, and Former member of the Airedale Terrier Club of America & the American Miniature Schnauzer Club. Has worked as translator at lectures, with: Mrs. Anne Rogers Clark, Mr. Rick Chashoudian, Mr. Frank Sabella, Mr. Ernest Sharp, Mr. Harry O'Donoghue, Mrs. Carole Weinberger, Mr. Peter Newman, Mr. Barry Day, Mrs. Madge Fish (chairman of the Education Committee of the Standard Schnauzer Club of America), Mrs. Rhonda Davis, Sra. Alessandra Franco, Mrs. Sylvia Hammarstrom, Mrs. Chris Levy (Education Committee of the Miniature Schnauzer Club of America), Mrs. Beverly Capstick, Mr. & Mrs. Derek Hyde, Mrs. Lydia Hutchinson, and Mr. John Constantine. Other Canine Activities: Has given lectures and chats in Kyoto (Japan), Jakarta (Indonesia), Sydney (Australia), Lima & Arequipa (Peru), Ecuador, Buenos Aires and in most of the provinces of Argentina where they have canine activities on the themes: "Introduction to dogs", "Movement: a fundamental element in judging show-dogs", "Judging Terriers", "Handling", "Trimming", "The Bull Terrier", "Lakeland vs. Welsh", "Comprehension of Standards of all three Schnauzers", "Origins of Fox Terrier and interpretation of the standard", "The Terrier Group". Furthermore, have the honor, for the last 10 years, to be especially invited by the Veterinary Faculty of the University of Buenos Aires to give an annual lecture "Introduction to Canine World for future Veterinarians". Also " Introduction to the Canine World for Veterinarians" at the Ateneo Veterinario de Buenos Aires, and "Terriers: Peculiarities of hard-coats" (Coprovet, Buenos Aires) Has written articles for magazines and journals, among them "Montgomery County K.C. through the eyes of a South American lady" (published in Dog News), "Schnauzers: a right decision", "Doing the Dog Game...", "Technical knowledge: a fundamental element in the dog world." Has interviewed Top Dog People, i.e.: Frank Sabella, Jeffrey Pepper, Jim Reynolds (for prestigious magazines in Brazil & Argentina) Has given technical advice on and co-conducted a TV show called "FOUR-LEGGED FRIENDS", with special emphasis on Canine World activities. This show reached all of Argentina and neighboring countries (2001). Breeding Experience: Former breeder of American Cocker Sp since 1974 and Malteses since 1987 under the kennel name "Winning Way's" Former breeder of Lakeland T. since 1988 & Bichon Frise since 1990, under kennel name "Special" Former breeder of Yorkshire T. since 1985 under the kennel name "Nagual" Currently breeding Airedale T. since 1985 under the kennel name "Nagual". Also, Miniature Schnauzers and Wire Fox T since 1988, Wire H. Min Dachshund since 1993, Welsh T. since 1998, and Chinese Cresteds since 2005, under kennel name "Special" Their breeding, in the above breeds, has yielded numerous champions and all breed Best in Show winners, having exported to USA, United Kingdom, Colombia, Peru, Spain, Italy, Chile, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, Ecuador, Bolivia. One of their homebred Airedales, FENOMENO DE NAGUAL, is, to date, the first and one of only two Argentine bred dogs, any breed, to earn its British & American championship Other Data She has successfully counseled numerous Canine and professional activities: she is a pro singer, having been trained in opera and lyrical at the "Instituto Superior de Arte del Teatro Colon", de Buenos Aires. At present time, she sings with "En Camino...", a duet that performs argentine folk music. |
Future Assignments |
Past Assignments |
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